Today in extension I finished off my term 2 project ! I made a Women’s kaftan to match my male models Senegalese Kaftan. Its not the same as a traditional women’s kaftan but it is my own type of kaftan. The kaftan is made up of the same things as the Senegalese Kaftan (Mens Kaftan) well…
Today on the first day back at school we had an immersion assembly. The theme for this term is Fit for purpose. Fit for purpose means to always have a good mindset and always give things a try and be positive ! I really enjoyed team fives skit. It showed what to do and what not to do when you have to do some sort of fitness, like to have a positive attitude towards doing the fitness and making sure to have a good mindset.
This week the focus in literacy class was about the Dawn Raids. I had to make an informational writing task and put it on my blog. I had written about what the Dawn raids were about, how they were being treated and the apology by our former prime minister. This task took me quite some time LOL. But anyways…
Today in extension class I was finishing off my fashion project about the ‘Senegalese Kaftan’ (Mens kaftan). We were all told to make our OWN models from country’s of our choice! This is only my male model but I’ll start making my female model soon. This project has three subjects Sustainability, cultural appropriation and social consciousness. I made sure all those elements were included in my project but its not really finished yet. The Kaftans are made up of cotton, Cashmere, Silk, and Wool. Although the kaftan is made up of four elements only three out of four elements are the most reliable and sustainable. Cotton, Silk, and Wool are the most reliable and sustainable for the kaftan because the growing demand for cashmere has led to oversized cashmere goat herds that are involved with grassland degradation. Well I’ll let you find out more but…
Today in home class while we were doing maths the focus for this week is Perimeters. I had to calculate the area and perimeter of the eregular shapes !
Today in home class the focus was learning litres! I had to match the pictures to to either millilitres or liters. It was a really straight forward task and really easy.
This week we have been focusing on finishing our tasks and being more efficient. The text we have been reading is called Seventh Grade, by Gary Soto! The slides are what I rated myself when I recorded and read the story. Also the recording is me reading the book and it was only suppose to be 5 minutes but I recorded it for 9 minutes LOL.