Timelines of protests in Aotearoa.

Today in year 7/8 extension we looked at the timelines of protests in Aotearoa.

What we did was we all chose one protest to find out when the protest had happened and find out a little bit of information about it too. I have completed 12 slides to show you when the dates of the all the protests.  The protest I researched about was the Maritime strike. The strike was about the catastrophe for the men and women. I can’t wait to look more into that protest and learn more about what happened and how that catastrophe happened. I really enjoyed this little research and I hope that I can research even more. What I found challenging was having to find all the dates.

Well I hope you like it and Have a good day. 

My All about me.

Talofa and Malo e lelei

My name is Eleni and I am a year 7 at Pt England school.

I am 11 years old tuning 12 this year. My Favourite  food is Korean BBQ and island food.

I love to play netball, rugby league, volleyball and many other sports!

My biggest goal is to play more sports and work harder in school.

I Hope you enjoy my  blog posts and have fun looking at my blog. 


Who is Aroha? – Immersion rotation

TASK DESCRIPTION – Last week on Friday me and my team did a immersion rotation. Immersion rotation is where you move classes and learn about different things. Me and my friend (Tumoe) helped each other to do this task. You can visit her blog to see her work and I hope you enjoyed!  BYE! X