Category: Ako | Learn

Sensational Subtraction!

  Sensational Subtraction


We are learning to solve subtraction problems using whole and decimal numbers.


Your sister gives you $125 to spend on lollies. If you spend $65 how much money would you have left over?

It equals 60! 


Jayla has bought her sister  a new puppy. She has $500 in her bank account as she heads to the shops. 


She first buys a dog bed for $60. How much money does she have left?

She has 440$ left


She then buys a bowl for $25. How much does she have left?

 She has 415$ left.


Then she buys 3 chew toys. Each toy costs $3.50. How much does she have left?

She has 10.50. 

415 – 10.5 = 404.50

Finally she buys a diamond collar for the dog which costs $154.50. How much is left in her account at the end of the day?

404.50 –



154.50 + 45 .50 = 200

    45 .50


Kalani’s python has become ill and needs to go to the vets. He  has $100 in his wallet.

The cost of the vet visit is $65.50. How much money is left in Kalani’s wallet?

 He has 34 .50 left.


Zyla’s puppy is growing every month. He used to weigh 5.6 kg but he now weighs 6.3 kg. How much weight has he put on?

He has put on 13pounds.



Today in room 4 we also did a Sensational Subtraction task!

Hope you enjoy it! 


Timelines of protests in Aotearoa.

Today in year 7/8 extension we looked at the timelines of protests in Aotearoa.

What we did was we all chose one protest to find out when the protest had happened and find out a little bit of information about it too. I have completed 12 slides to show you when the dates of the all the protests.  The protest I researched about was the Maritime strike. The strike was about the catastrophe for the men and women. I can’t wait to look more into that protest and learn more about what happened and how that catastrophe happened. I really enjoyed this little research and I hope that I can research even more. What I found challenging was having to find all the dates.

Well I hope you like it and Have a good day. 

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