Category: Hanga | Create

Extension Progress !! (Finished Models)



Today in extension I finished off my term 2 project ! I made a Women’s kaftan to match my male models Senegalese Kaftan. Its not the same as a traditional women’s kaftan but it is my own type of kaftan. The kaftan is made up of the same things as the Senegalese Kaftan (Mens Kaftan) well…




Fluency & Expression reflection (plus recording)


This week we have been focusing on finishing our tasks and being more efficient. The text we have been reading is called Seventh Grade, by Gary Soto! The slides are what I rated myself when I recorded and read the story. Also the recording is me reading the book and it was only suppose to be 5 minutes but I recorded it for 9 minutes LOL.




Suspenseful beginnings



Today in literacy class I did a Suspenseful beginnings task. I made my own suspenseful beginning with my own characters, my own setting, and also my own ideas. It all begins in Berlin, Germany with a character called Cory Webster (Not like the basketball player! LOL) and he tries to find ‘The voice’ as its been following him for months. But as he goes around town trying to follow the voice and see who it is a disaster strikes and leaves him SPEECHLESS !

I’ll let you guys continue reading  the story!!



Seventh Grade – Gary Soto (Reading)

Seventh Grade – Gary Soto 

First some questions

Answer the following questions about Seventh Grade.



What background information do you learn about Victor?

I learn that he is really just trying to impress the girl he likes but it fails and he ends up getting embarrassed and I also learnt that he is really just trying to pass all his classes 

When the boys scowl, the girls look at them. What might the girls be thinking?

They might be thinking “Ew ! What is he doing? He looks weird but i’ll just smile and pretend he looks cool” Thats what I think they were thinking. 

What obstacles are getting in the way of Victor making Teresa “his girl”?

His awkwardness was getting in the way of making her “His girl” 

How does the tension increase now that Victor and Teresa are in the same class together?

I think the tension increased by him acting awkward and replying to Teresa in weird ways when she would say hi to him. 

Why did the teacher turn his back and walk to the blackboard?

To continue the lesson so that the kids can focus . 

The French teacher, Mr. Bueller, realises that Victor is faking his knowledge of French, yet he does not let on about it. What impression does Mr. Bueller’s action tell you about him as a person and as a teacher?

It tells me that he is not very a non confrontational person and doesnt really like to make people look silly but will also help them to where they need to be ! 



This week in literacy class I read a book called ‘Seventh Grade’. I had to answer questions and give them my answers.  It was a book talking about how this Victor (The main boy) wants to make Teresa (The main girl) his girl for the year, and takes the same class as her (French). But as he tries to impress her he ends up failing BADLY and makes a fool out of himself. 

I would tell you guys the rest but I’ll leave it up to you to read it!